Welcome to Adobe® Type Manager® Read Me. This file contains late-breaking information not found in the printed documentation. It contains the following sections:
1. System Requirements
2. Installation
3. Font Smoothing
4. Precision Character Positioning
5. Known Software Issues
6. Printing Issues
1. System Requirements
Roman system requirements:
ΓÇó Macintosh with PowerPCΓäó processor
ΓÇó Mac OS version 8.1 through version 9
ΓÇó LaserWriter 8.5.1 or later, PSPrinter 8.5.1 or later
ΓÇó 16 MB of RAM
ΓÇó 3 MB of available hard-disk space
ΓÇó CD-ROM drive
Japanese, Chinese and Korean system requirements:
ΓÇó Macintosh with PowerPCΓäó processor
ΓÇó Mac OS version 8.1 through version 9, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese or Korean
ΓÇó 32 MB of RAM
ΓÇó 3 MB of available hard-disk space
ΓÇó CD-ROM drive
2. Installation
The ATM Installer installs the following files:
ΓÇó ATM control panel (~ATMΓäó) in the Control Panels folder in the System Folder.
ΓÇó Adobe Type Manager folder containing Adobe Type Manager Preferences in the System:Preferences folder.
Make sure that any previously installed version of the ATM control panel (~ATMΓäó) is not locked. When the previous version is locked, the ATM control panel file cannot be properly updated during installation. To determine if the file is locked, highlight the ATM control panel in the Control Panels folder of the system folder and choose "Get Info" from the File menu.
3. Font Smoothing
When font smoothing, also called anti-aliasing, is enabled, ATM uses 15 shades of intermediate colors to blend PostScript® Type 1 font color with the background color on screen. The actual number of intermediate colors displayed on screen depends on the number of available system colors. On monitors set to display thousands or more colors, ATM smooths both black and color text on various background colors. On monitors set to display 256 or fewer colors, ATM smooths only black text.
When you select (i.e., highlight) smoothed text, QuickDraw (the screen rendering language used by the Macintosh) swaps the foreground color of the text with the background color. All of the other colors in between are left unchanged. This produces a jagged halo around the selected text. To reduce the severity of this effect, you can change the highlight color to a lighter color in the system's Color control panel.
Because ATM uses QuickDraw to smooth text, it can smooth text only when an application uses QuickDraw to display its text. Some applications use QuickDraw to draw an off-screen monochrome bitmap image, then display their own color images on screen. When an application uses QuickDraw to draw on off-screen bitmap image of a font (e.g., with colored or skewed text), ATM cannot smooth the fonts. For example, Deneba Canvas™ and Microsoft® PowerPoint® do not support smoothed color text or skewed text.
Font smoothing is not supported in Adobe Acrobat® versions earlier than 3.0 and MacDraw® Pro.
The following Adobe applications have their own font smoothing function, and do not use ATM for this purpose: Adobe Premiere (all versions), Adobe Illustrator 7 and greater, Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and greater, Acrobat 4.0 and greater, ImageReady 1.0 and greater, ImageStyler 1.0 and greater.
Font smoothing is not supported in ClarisWorksΓäó when the monitor displays 256 colors or fewer.
Some applications (e.g., QuarkXPress®) do not support smoothed text while you are typing it. The text is smoothed when the text box is updated.
4. Precision Character Positioning
When the Precision Character Positioning option is enabled, ATM can position characters more precisely than previous versions of ATM by using an off-screen, high-resolution grid. ATM calculates the positions of all characters in an entire line of text using this grid before drawing the text on-screen.
All applications that support fractional widths support Precision Character Positioning. Before you select the Precision Character Positioning option, you should make sure that your application's fractional widths option has been enabled.
Adobe Acrobat uses its own method for character placement and does not support Precision Character Positioning.
5. Known Software Issues
5PM Term
The system crashes while installing 5PM Term when ATM is present.
Adobe After Effects 4.1J
In vertical mode, some characters in protected OCF fonts are incorrectly rotated 90 degrees. There is no known workaround.
Adobe Illustrator 7.0
Monotype and Sinotype CID-fonts do not appear in the Adobe Illustrator 7.0 font menu.
Adobe Illustrator 8.0
Illustrator 8.0 does not support OTF fonts.
Adobe FrameMaker 5.5J and 6.0J
The last letter of the last Roman word set using a Japanese font (any format) disappears when the document is printed to a QuickDraw printer or processed by PDF Writer.
Acrobat 4.0 and earlier
In order to run Acrobat, the fonts Symbol and Zapf Dingbats must be present in the System:Fonts folder.
Corel® WordPerfect®
WordPerfect is not compatible with ATM when WordPerfect's WYSIWYG font menu option is enabled.
FWB® Raid Toolkit 1.x
ATM 4.0 and greater is not compatible with FWB Raid Toolkit 1.x hard disk driver. Use FWB Hard Disk Toolkit or upgrade to FWB Raid Toolkit 2.0 or later.
Global Village® GlobalFAX™
Before using the GlobalFAX modem software, you must remove the 24-point bitmap font file from the Helvetica suitcase.
Certain applications install older versions of ATM, overwriting any version of ATM which may be in your System folder. These include:
- Adobe Illustrator 6.0.x.
- Adobe Acrobat 3.0.x.
In both cases, the workaround is to re-install the ATM Control Panel (~ATM) after installing the application.
Canvas 6.0 and 7.0.X
LWFN fonts will not be displayed in the font menu if the Type1 Enabler is present in the System Folder on MacOS 9.0 or greater. Canvas does not currently support OTF fonts.
Canvas 3.0J
When printing Japanese PostScript Japanese fonts from Canvas 3.0J, they are substituted with Osaka at the printer. This behavior does not occur with Canvas 3.5J.
QuarkXPress 4.x
Trying to get outlines for an OTF font fails with QuarkXPress 4.x. There is no known workaround.
ATM 4.5
If you install ATM 4.5 after having activated OpenType fonts with ATM 4.6, your system will freeze on reboot. To avoid this, remove your ATM preference folder before installing ATM 4.5.
MacOS 9
ATM is not compatible with the multiple user support of MacOS 9.
6. Printing Issues
We have observed problems printing Japanese fonts to the Canon Laser Shot printer while using the Canon Laser Shot printer driver. The workaround is to select 'QuickDraw mode' in the Page Setup dialog.
If you are experiencing printing problems with your current AdobePS printer driver, try upgrading to the latest version available for download from <http://www.adobe.com>.
If you are experiencing printing problems with a Quickdraw printer, try upgrading the driver to the latest version available from the printer manufacturer.
If a font contains bitmaps but no outlines for some glyphs (which happens with the Fontworks OCF Plus fonts), those glyphs will be displayed on screen with their bitmaps, but will be printed to PostScript printers as square boxes.
©1990-2000 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
U.S. Patents 5,050,103; 5,185,818; 5,200,740; 5,233,336; 5,237,313 and 5,255,357. Patents Pending. (c)1989-90, 1993-1999 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
Adobe, Acrobat, Adobe Type Manager, ATM, llustrator, PageMaker, Photoshop, PostScript, Adobe Premiere, and SuperATM are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Apple, Macintosh, QuickDraw, and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, OpenType and PowerPoint are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or registered in the U.S. and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.